Advance Care Planning: Know Your Options
During a period of critical illness many patients are unable to speak for themselves, and their next-of-kin is often called upon to help make decisions about the best care for them. In such cases, patient’s families often find it helpful when a patient has made an advance directive detailing what kind of treatment they would want if they were unlikely to recover certain levels of mental or physical functioning. You can take steps today to start (or continue!) this important conversation.

IT’S NOT ABOUT YOU! And other stuff sick people wish they could say.
When a person in your life is going through a hard time such as an illness, divorce, or bereavement and your question is “how can I not say the wrong thing to them?” Dr. Susan Silk’s Ring Theory provides a simple answer: comfort in, dump out.

Stressed? How to Stay Calm in Tough Times
Your heart is pounding, your breathing feels fast and shallow, your stomach is in knots, and your racing thoughts just won’t slow down. Are you giving a big speech, running from a bear, or just trying to make it through a normal work day? The difficulty is - your physiology might react in similar ways to each of these events! Keep reading to learn why and to learn how to combat these automatic responses.

Hospice & Palliative Care: Know Your Options
If you’re caring for an aging relative or coping with a serious illness, a healthcare provider might one day ask you to consider palliative care or hospice services. This can be confusing as many patients and families aren’t aware that there are palliative care options that aren’t hospice. It also can be scary to hear these words, as they often are associated with end-of-life care. However, connecting with the right services at the right time is key for patient quality of life and caregiver support.