Two Simple Steps for Better Communication
Communication Skills, Coping Skills Emily Browning Communication Skills, Coping Skills Emily Browning

Two Simple Steps for Better Communication

The need to be heard and understood is one most of us share. Yet we may often feel misunderstood by our partners, parents, children, friends, or colleagues. Moreover, it’s likely that some of those important people in our lives don’t always feel heard and understood by us. When we misunderstand one another, we often end up feeling frustrated and hurt.

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Ready to Travel Again? How to Cope with Culture Shock

Ready to Travel Again? How to Cope with Culture Shock

If you've ever traveled outside of your hometown, you probably are familiar with the highs and lows of experiencing a culture different from your own. Traveling (even to another state or city) can be exciting, challenging, and full of learning opportunities. It also can be scary, frustrating, and overwhelming. In this season when more of us may be traveling, and students will be heading out to and returning from study abroad experiences, let’s consider what happens when our travel involves culture shock.

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Stressed? How to Stay Calm in Tough Times

Stressed? How to Stay Calm in Tough Times

Your heart is pounding, your breathing feels fast and shallow, your stomach is in knots, and your racing thoughts just won’t slow down. Are you giving a big speech, running from a bear, or just trying to make it through a normal work day? The difficulty is - your physiology might react in similar ways to each of these events! Keep reading to learn why and to learn how to combat these automatic responses.

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How to Find an Anchor When You Feel Adrift
Coping Skills, Grief and Loss, Stress Emily Browning Coping Skills, Grief and Loss, Stress Emily Browning

How to Find an Anchor When You Feel Adrift

Feeling adrift in life can be descriptive of a host of related emotions. For example, it could connote boredom, exhaustion, emptiness, loneliness, or deeper questions about what makes life meaningful. All of these emotions can be triggered by internal factors as well as factors outside of us that impact our lives and our ability to cope with stressors.

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