Stressed? How to Stay Calm in Tough Times

Stressed? How to Stay Calm in Tough Times

Your heart is pounding, your breathing feels fast and shallow, your stomach is in knots, and your racing thoughts just won’t slow down. Are you giving a big speech, running from a bear, or just trying to make it through a normal work day? The difficulty is - your physiology might react in similar ways to each of these events! Keep reading to learn why and to learn how to combat these automatic responses.

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Feeling the Holiday Pressure? Quick Tips to Keep Your Cool
Stress, Coping Skills Emily Browning Stress, Coping Skills Emily Browning

Feeling the Holiday Pressure? Quick Tips to Keep Your Cool

At their best, holidays may evoke feelings of joy and goodwill. However, they can also be times of extra stress and emotional upheaval, especially for those who find it difficult to spend extended time with family.

Whether you’re about to blow your top while sitting in interstate traffic or at the dinner table with Uncle Dave, here are some tips to help you keep your cool throughout the holiday season.

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